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Black Book Éditions, le site de référence des jeux de rôle

Warhammer : et de 4 ! 5084

Forums > Jeux de rôle


la regle c'est effectivement cuir/1+maille/2+plate/3

archive 3 differencie juste le cuir porté sous la plaque/maille

mais bon bonjour l encombrement

cuir porté 0

maille portée 5

plaque portée 6 ou 7 selon le heaume

soit 11 mini

aver arme de base et bouclier utilisé +2 pour bouclier lours

soit 13 d'encombrement pour 9 d'armure

ce qui nescessite un encombrement de 13 soit 13 en BE+BF+talent

sachant que costaud fait gagner 2 point par niveaux

tu peux calmer tes joueur en précisant que c'est toujours la première couche qui absorbe, donc en plaque éviter un critique coute une couronne

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Colonel Moutarde

En effet mon joueur joue un Nain et il a le talent "Costeau" qui va bien

Moi je ne cumule pas le cuir et la maille

car en bon enc... de mouches je lis dans les regles FR page 300 :

Une armure Flexible peut être portée sous une couche d'armure non Flexible si vous le souhaitez. Si c'est le cas vous gagnez les bénéfices des deux.

Donc cuir + maille => 2 de protection on ignore le cuir car c'est flexible sur flexible .... "trop mou ca monseigneur !!"

Oui je suis un monstre ....


Combining Armour
Different grades of armour may be worn on different parts of
the body, but the notion that different grades of armour may be
layered on top of one another is a misconception. Often suits of
plate are finished with areas of mail or leather to cover gaps and
points of articulation.
Soft kits are woollen doublets and hose designed to be worn
under armour. They provide padding needed to prevent chafing
and laces and holes to attach pieces of armour to. They can be
worn under any armour and must be worn under certain pieces
of plate.
Chainmail is made from thousands of interlocking iron rings.
It is heavy and requires regular cleaning and oiling to prevent
corrosion. Brigandine armour or a plate breastplate could be
worn over chainmail.
Brigandine consists of padded leather or fabric into which many
small metal strips, or lames, have been riveted. Brigandine pieces
are bulky and cannot be worn under other forms of armour.
Lamellar armour, or scale mail, may look rather different to
brigandine, but has the same qualities.
Plate armour is painstakingly crafted from sheets of iron or
steel. It is tailor made and close-fitting, so may not normally
be worn over other types of armour. Breastplates may be an
exception to this general rule, as many of them are designed to
be worn over padding or chainmail

Et flexible est remplacé par une capacité differente

Certain types of armour can be worn on top of other types.
Brigandine pieces and Plate Breastplates can be worn on top of
either Leather or Mail armour. However, a Breastplate worn in
this way could not be combined with a Soft Kit
Boiled leather is constructed from thick pieces of hide. It is
rigid and tough and cannot be worn under mail or the more
complicated pieces of plate. Brigandine armour or a plate
breastplate could be worn over boiled leather.

Le cuir est remplace par le soft kit dans le cas de cumul

donc maintenant

tête max 4

bras jambe max 4

torse 6


Je viens de lister les ouvrages non traduits et parmi ces titres il y a des pépites très attendues, l'équipe de KP a interrêt à mettre le turbo niveau trad', surtout que C7 continue ses sorties !

En vf, hormis la suite de la Campagne (vol 4/5 + compagnon) + les Archives de l'Empire vol 2 déjà en préco', il nous reste donc :

Sea of Claws + Salzenmund + Winds of Magic + Up in Arms + Reikland Miscellanea + Uberskreik adventures 3 + Lustria + Archives of the Empire 3...

Reste à savoir si KP est obligé de traduire selon les sorties vo ou s'ils peuvent prioriser ? Parce que là clairement il y en a qui me font de l'oeil ! amoureux

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Loye

Moi j attends up in arms et Winds of magic ! Ce sont des indispensables !


D'après ce que j'ai compris, KP priorise selon l'ordre dans lequel sont finalisés les ouvrages par C7.

Et il arrive que C7 mette des mois et des mois à finaliser, inclure des errata, car les premières livraisons sont presque toujours loin d'être nickel ; ce qu'ici, nous qui attendons, ne mesurons que plutôt mal.


Tiens des mises à jour sont tombées aujourd'hui pour les VO des Archives of the Empire 2 et 3, Winds of magic et Up in arms.
À croire qu'ils suivent le forum de BBE !

Ce message a reçu 2 réponses de
  • et
  • Tluabir

Une màj un an et demi après la sortie physique des archives de l empire 2 VO.

Finalement c 'est bien le décalage des sorties VF.

J'espère que C7 a envoyé cette màj à KP !!


L'esprit de Noël mort de rire


Voici la liste des modifications, compilée par Vivid Oblivion sur le Discord des Rat Catchers. Que Verena le bénisse :


  • Total Power in Critical Casting (pg20) updated.
  • Unstoppable Force in Critical Casting (Pg20)
  • updated Ingredients are now clarified as destroyed when used (pg21)
  • Critical Channelling clarified to require success to the test, other simplified text (22)
  • Minor Miscast table Marked by Magic clarified (24)
  • Succor Magical Servant now applies to Constructs as well (27)
  • Bind Spirit Within Power Stone possibly made LESS clear regarding ingredients (28)
  • Carve Ogham Stone Ingredients less clear as well (28)
  • Conjuration of the Incarnate Elemental of Death ingredients are clarified to not be consumed (29)
  • Corrupt Waystone ingredients removed (30)
  • Corrupt Waystone Conditions clarified (30)
  • Create Waystone Property Ingredients and Conditions updated (32)
  • Cursecraft ingredients updated (32)
  • Imbue Staff Ingredients updated (32)
  • Materialise the Living Swamp ingredients updated (33)
  • Remove Curse ingredients updated (33)
  • Brew Potion now refers to the Concoct talent in WoM rather than WFRP (34)
  • Test Magic Item now applies to Power Familiars as well (34)
  • Magister Vigilant T2 loses Charm and gains Track (40)
  • Arcane Marks of Hysh Instant Recall updated to include wording for dramatic tests (58)
  • Arcane Marks of Chamon Metallic Affinity text clarified slightly (70)
  • Curse of Rust Encumbrance rules updated (74)
  • Knot Untied description change to "may provide", which seems less certain (76)
  • Trial and Error discription updated, though it's unclear that anything meaningful is changed by it (77)
  • Druid T2 loses Intimidate, gains Research (80)
  • CN of Jade Casket changed to 6 from 5 (87)
  • Wood Shape updated to be specifically an Oak tree (89)
  • Shadowmancers T4 lose their Apprentice trapping. RIP (104)
  • Shadowsteed updated to lack the Skittish trait. (113)
  • Iyrtu’s Embrace CN updated from 3 to 4, Duration WPB rounds now from 1 (124)
  • Limbwither now lets you choose the limb to wither. (124)
  • Pyromancers have burned their T4 trapping Apprentice from their career profile (128)
  • Sergov Pfeiffer speaks things better now (133)
  • Aqshy's Aegis no longer specifies the breath attacks of monsters, but then includes them again, sort of (134)
  • Flaming Hearts got moved down the page (135)
  • Firewall loses some flavor text and specified to be 1 yard high, which seems short to me. (135)
  • Shaman T2 gains (Any) to Animal Training (140)
  • Beast Tongue now lest you understand creatures with Bestial as well (147)
  • Transformation of Kadon buffed to give bonuses for every +4 SL rather than just a one time boost, shamans everywhere drank tea in celebration (149)
  • Writing Scrolls now requires a Lore (Magic) test instead of Art (Writing) (153)
  • "Degree" is now "SL", which is probably just a clarification of terms (155)
  • Transcribing on a grimoire now requires Lore (Magic), not Art (Writing), that happens twice in the text there (164)
  • Grim trait gets rules for GA (176)
  • Magical Constructs are rarely assembled withOUT a specific purpose now (177)
  • Power Familiar loses Magical Sense, gains Second Sight, same for spell familiar (182)
  • Combat Familiar loses Beat Blade, gains Reaction Strike at T1 Spell Familiar loses Second Sight, gains Magical Sense at T1, BUT WHY? (188)
  • Heavy Saturation now applies to Channelling tests as well, other changes related to this in same paragraph (190)
  • Chaos Corruption Effects now apply to Channelling Tests as well. (191)
  • Spellcasting Rules now references WoM instead of WFRP for Critical Casting (192)
  • Leylines Casting give +1 SL instead of +1, Environmental Saturation has a bunch of entries for the Channeling column now (199)
  • There's now an INDEX (2 pages) in the back of the book! (220) (edited)

Up In Arms

  • Soldier Career and Warrior Priest roll table updated (pg 9)
  • Bowman T1 loses Dagger (10)
  • Greatsword loses Dagger at T1, T2-T4 get status boosts (12)
  • Halberdier loses Dagger at T1 (14)
  • Handgunner description and flavor text updated, loses Dagger at T1 (16)
  • High Elves can now be Artillerists, lose Dagger at T1 (18)
  • Camp Follower loses Dagger at T1 (20)
  • Trade (Cartographer) is now T1 and the earning skill, and Ride (Horse) is T2 for Cartographer, Gains T4 Trappings (22)
  • Destriers are no longer Big, but gain Trained (Shock Cavalry) (29)
  • Knight of the Blazing Sun T1 loses Etiquette (any) and Roughrider, gains Noble Blood and Sturdy. T2 loses Savvy, gains Etiquette (Any) (32) Sultan, not sorcerer (33)
  • Templar Sergeant Lars Gustafson got a new squire, or there was a gender change (34)
  • Wood Elf can now be a Light Cavalry, T1 loses Flee! but gains Crack the Whip, T4 gains a Bow but loses the war to formatting (44)
  • Halflings can now be Siege Specialists, loses hand weapon at T1, T2 loses Ranged (Blackpowder) in favor of Catapult, T4 loses Haggle (46)
  • Pikeman loses Hand Weapon at T1, T4 loses their entire Phalanx of Pikemen. What a blunder! (48)
  • TOBARO loses Grain, Stone, and Pink Marble as Products, TRANTIO gains the Pink Marble (54)
  • Warrior Priest can be a Priest of Myrmidia (56)
  • 1681 IC is the Night of the Restless Dead (58)
  • There's a picture of a swordy guy with a nice hat, which has moved a considerable chunk of text down to the next page making this more tricky to compare (62)
  • Borgio died 2 years earlier (68)
  • Ulric's followers are not specifically called out in Beliefs (69)
  • Command the Legion is now Instant instead of 1 Round, On Deadly Ground is now Duration WPB Rounds, Shieldmaiden's Devotion now is Range Self, and targets Allies within AoE, also you gain +1 Fearless (Enemy), Skill of Combat is also Range Self and Allies within AoE (79)
  • Bleeding now causes deaath on 1-30 in the example provided. (80)
  • Shield Rating only applies with opposing with WS or Melee skill (90)
  • Club is now ENC 1 (91)
  • Smallswords are Short Reach now and some + were added to other items on table (93)
  • Blunderbuss gains Spread 3, Hockland Long Rifle dropped to 50GC, Griffonsfoot Pistol up to 20GC, Gun Axe and Gun Halberd have currencies now, Engineering loses the asterisk. (101)
  • Paper Cartridge loses asterisk (102)
  • Mounts now make Endurance tests, not Toughness tests (105)
  • Perception instead of Initiative for mounts when falling off them (108)
  • Demigryphs can be bound through magical ritual (109)
  • Hirelings roll table updated numbers (115)
  • Personality Quirk table numbers updated (117)
  • Siege Weapons table gets a title, Helblaster Volley Gun and Helstorm Rocket Battery gain Crewed 3 (also a comma typo in the quality block for both) (123)
  • Siege Ammunition gets a title, Incendiary does not inflict damage (124)
  • Exhaustion is moved to page 130, several tests are added at the bottom. (130)
  • Crates of Merchandise Ride test removed (131)
  • Gunner only applies to reloading a blackpowder weapon not all ranged weapons now (140)
  • Index was added (142) (edited)

Archives 2

  • Various credits changes (3)
  • Ogres got a mutation table (18)
  • Ogres lose Night Vision, gain Resistance (Chaos) which settles the debate on if Resistance (Chaos) prevents Halflings from being able to use magic. REKT (20)
  • Lore of the Great Maw rule changes referencing unmodified CN (32)
  • Trollguts CN up to 7 from 6 (33)
  • Maneater loses Hand Weapon, gains Dagger (35)
  • Ogre Butcher T4 gains Inspiring and Magical Sense (37)
  • Mummit the Fool has a penalty of -4 WP now (43)
  • Witchling Star Bonus updated to various from Petty Magic (47)
  • Astrology and the Upper Class header added (49)
  • Identifying a Magical Artefact changed from Average test to Challenging (it always was but unclear) (52)
  • Random Creature Table numbers updated, double asterisk definition added (probably should be tripple), Spellcasters added, Mutants added, Lizardmen added, Beastmen added (55)
  • Spell Shield reworked (64)
  • Scroll writing clarification (65)
  • Magical Ring spells are cast with +0 SL, Obsidian Lodestone reworked (66)
  • Doors in the Great Hospice are buffed significantly (71)
  • Studying Liber Chaotica is now easier (81)
  • Battlefield Strength added Horse Cavalry to Includes Large Units (83)
  • Barricades lost AP, gained TB (89)
  • Index on page 95

Archives 3

  • Oy, These are printed in the EU instead of China now! Also, other credits changes (2)
  • Courier Service start up costs 10 GC (1GC min), Interest 10/- from 1/-, Expansion 1 costs is 100GC (min 10GC) with interest payments of 5GC from 10/-, 2nd is 100GC (min 10GC, Interest 5GC. 3rd is 300GC min 30GC interest 15GC (12)
  • Crafting Workshop Startup Costs 15GC (min 1GC 10/-) 15/- interest, Expansion 1st 5GC (min 10/-) 15/- interest (13)
  • 2nd workshop expansion 100 GC (min 10GC) interest 5GC, 3rd 200GC (Min 20GC) Interest 10GC (14)
  • Criminal Gang Start up Costs 5GC, 10/- interest, Special Rules up to 1 GC, Expansion 1st 10GC (min 1GC) Interest 2 GC, 2nd is 100 GC (10 GC min) Interest 20GC also only one character can purchase the Kingpin talent. (15)
  • 3rd expansion is now 400GC (min 40GC) and interest is 80GC. (16)
  • Holy Temple costs upped significantly (17)
  • Knightly Order costs upped significantly (19)
  • Tavern costs upped significantly (21)
  • Market Parlour costs upped significantly (23)
  • Noble Estate costs upped significantly (25)
  • Performance Troupe costs upped significantly (27)
  • Publishing House costs upped significantly, which probably explains why C7 has been so slow of late :skrofl: (29)
  • Penalty Note added to armour rules, Line about Overcoat causing breastplate to not work with soft kit removed, soft kits apply to head as well, only brigandine and plate breastplate can be worn over chainmail, an example is added. (36)
  • Two new soft kits added, Stealth penalties to Chainmail, Chain Coif loses partial, Plate gets stealth penalties (37)
  • Priest of Solkan loses T3 Strong Minded as it's a duplicate of T1, and gains Resolute at T3 (54)
  • Absolute Purity no longer damages the caster. (55)
  • Fellstave test changed from fail to succeed (62)
  • Protection Pouch gives +10 to Endurance Tests instead of +SL (63)
  • Sightstep now gives Magical Sense instead of Magical Sight whatever that is, Silvertied is 2d10 pennies, Wyrd Ward is CN 0 now (64)
  • Familiar Corruption now behaves as Human corruption does explicitly (81)
  • Power Familiar T3 Language text clarified (82)
  • Humans (altdorfer - South Banker) gets Ride (Horse) specifically, Eastender gets Stealth (Urban) specifically. (83)
  • Humans (Altdorfer — Hexxerbezrik) gets Stealth Urban, Docklands gets Sail (Barge) (84)
  • Channelling is mostly back to WoM channelling with some minor tweaks. Buy the book to find out! (85)
  • The entire Channeling section on pg 86 has been reworked. It's very different. (86)
  • Thick Hide reworded, but seemingly no different (87)
  • Reinforcement gets the Thick Hide treatment (88)
  • Index was added (95)

Pas mal de petits trucs, les coûts des entreprises enfin remontés et les règles de channeling encore changés. MDR.


Des grands malades viennent de sortir un hack de plus de 200 pages pour jouer à Warhammer avec le système Genysis.

C'est entièrement gratuit et rien que pour les illustrations/la mise en page, ça vaut le coup d'oeil.


Des grands malades viennent de sortir un hack de plus de 200 pages pour jouer à Warhammer avec le système Genysis.

C'est entièrement gratuit et rien que pour les illustrations/la mise en page, ça vaut le coup d'oeil.


C'est un retour à la 3 ?

Ca me semble un sacré beau boulot


Oui, impressionnant pour un PDF gratuit. C'est quoi ce système exactement ?

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Tluabir

Je crois que c'est le système dérivé de warhammer v3 utilisé par FFG dans les nouveaux JDR Star Wars notamment avec les dés spéciaux et tout.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Colonel Moutarde

Tout à fait, c'est le dernier né de chez Edge Studio, Celui de WHv3 était un système qui avait ses détracteurs et ses adorateurs ... mes joueurs l'adoraient, moi en tant que MJ un peu moins, trop de choses à géré pour ma petite tete... cependant cette version a sans doute profité de l'épreuve du feu de W. Hv3, StartWar et L5R ....

A oui, c'est un systeme generique ... on aime ou pas (décidement) .... Ho le beau cadeau de Noel pour le Colonel démon


Accompagnez Theodosius Schreiber dans ses expéditions dans le vieux monde. Ou, tout au moins lisez son précis sur les créatures qui le peuple.
Aujourd'hui je vous présente et critique le premier bestiaire pour Warhammer V4.
Le Zoo Imperial
ET comme c est noël, un petit commentaire, like ou abonnement serais un beau cadeau a votre serviteur.
Le Zoo Imperial - Présentation critique

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Gnoll63436

Chers erudits de Warhammer V4, j'ai beau chercher, ma vue doit baisser avec l'âge, je cherche désespérement le mode de calcul ou l'indice avec la page pour savoir l'encombrement maximum d'un personnage.

Merci d'éclairer ma lanterne de néophite aveugle.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Tluabir

Nan mais le découpage du bouquin est poussif. C'est au début du chapitre avec la LISTE d'équipement. content

P. 293 (dans le livre anglais) -> bonus de force + bonus d'endurance te donne ta limite d'encombrement. Donc 6 pour un humain standard.


en haut de la page la réponse était


Merci. Oui j'ai vu Gnoll et pris en haut mais la page m'est très agréable. Merci Tluabir.

C'est un peu le binz le livre de base même si j'ai eu pire avec la 1ère impression de ce beau bouquin de base que j'avais revendu à l'époque déja 35 balles de moins ^^. Warhammer V4 fait mal aux fesses quand on l'achète 2 fois.