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Black Book Éditions, le site de référence des jeux de rôle

Warhammer : et de 4 ! 5070

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Il y a des JDR, quelque soit la version, qui feront parti de mon héritage.


Demain est un grand jour : Premier jour du WarhammerFest !


uen petite info ( que j ai mis en gras)

This weekend we'll be at Warhammer Fest 2018 in Coventry, UK. Swing by our booth and chat all things WFRP Fourth Edition and Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game with Dom! You'll find us in the Licensed Games Area. Dom, who is heading up design on WFRP Fourth Edition, will be giving a talk on both days of Warhammer Fest.

The pre-order to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay has bowled us over in scale. Please bear with us while we process all your pre-orders! And for those of you awaiting more info, please stay tuned - it is coming!

Donc nous aurons droit à un petit discour, merci Dom. content


En gras les nouveautés .

Les carrières sont renforcées par l ambition : un but personnel.

D autres peuples que les humains, halflig, nain, elfe seront accessibles aux PJs dans de futurs suppléments.

Lustrie et Elfes noirs seront au rendez vous (ça nous le savions déjà).

Fourth Edition – Warhammer Fest Round Up

Thanks to everyone who came to meet us at Warhammer Fest! It was a fantastic weekend full of awesome people, news and gaming!

We appreciate that its not practical for lots of you to be there (oceans in the way, for example), but fear not, here’s a summary of the WFRP action.

Our focus for the event was making sure that as many people as possible heard about the new edition of the game, so if you’ve been keeping up with the website and social media then you’re pretty much up to date.
There were of course many questions asked, and astute inquisitors gleaned the following:

  • The d100 system used will be broadly familiar, but a new implementation designed to offer three ways of resolving actions:

1 – a decision based on the characters’ abilities

2 – a simple pass/fail test

3 – a more nuanced dramatic test giving a range of outcomes and success levels

GMs are encouraged to tailor their use of these to suit their group’s preferences.

  • The combat system has been designed to be quick, dynamic and exciting, with something happening as the result of every roll.
  • Careers remain an important feature. Dom waxed eloquent about how careers help immerse characters in the world, and give them something to fight for. He also talked about how that was reinforced in the new edition by Ambitions – personal goals that characters work towards.
  • You can initially play a Human, Dwarf, Halfling or Elf, and that range will grow through future expansions.
  • Dom did also talk about our ambitious plans for expansions. An expeditionary approach to Lustria was mentioned, as was his excitement about Dark Elf politics and how he always wanted to go to Ulthuan.
  • The Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game will have its own game system. We haven’t set the release date yet, the game is in development, and we are all very excited about the new edition of Age of Sigmar!

We’ll be looking into some more details about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay soon, so stay tuned!

The pre-order is open now:


Ah comment je l'attends ce Warhammer v4 ! Vivement que Edge se manifeste à ce sujet amoureux


Dans le CB 25 il est indiqué vers "Mai/juin" mais je ne pense pas que ce soit du officiel.

Ce message a reçu 3 réponses de
  • El Roukmoute
  • ,
  • Lothringer
  • et

Nous avons fait des précommandes pour le produit en VO avec la boutique BBE donc je me dis que ça ne devrait plus trop tarder je pense...


Cubicle 7 annonce le PDF pour juin et la version physique en juillet.


Si c est officiel, les liens sont dans les posts précédent . Il ne faut pas s arrêter seulement sur la dernière page. clin d'oeil


La V3 a surtout des scénarios d'une très très très grande qualité, bien supérieure à tout ce qui est sorti, à ce niveau, pour la V2. Du coup elle a quand même des bons côtés. Et le pire est que même dans les suppléments pas uniquement de scénario, il y a toujours un scénar, et souvent de très bonne facture.


Tiens ça fait une éternité que je n'ai pas zieuter le site du zobby. Qu'ont ils encore dévoyé pour leur Aberration of Sigmar ??

[Essuie une larme de sang]

Des elfes vénérant Mathlan dans des cités abyssales (pour se cacher de Slaanesh !!?), voleurs d'âmes, se battant à dos de requins tigres ou de murènes... Ok on va continuer de rester loin de tout ça.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Ragnar

C'est clair, Age of Sigmar c'est pouah beurk !

Ils voulaient renouveller l'univers pour relancer le jeu de fig' mais ils ont au final tout dénaturé, ça ne ressemble plus à Warhammer, ils en on fait un univers de fantasy lambda déjà vu mille fois avec des supers-héros clairement destinés au jeune public, bref un joyeux foure tout à l'américaine sans saveur, à fuir. Que l'univers et la storyline évoluent ok, pourquoi pas, mais de là à tout péter ainsi non merci.

Ce qui a fait le charme de Warhammer (si on peut dire ça vu le contexte) c'est justement son côté dark fantasy assumé dans un Vieux Monde qui ressemble un peu à notre vieux continent, avec des cultures clairement identifiables et tout le sel de cet univers est là, avec évidemment la menace permanente du Chaos et des Dieux de la Ruine.

Donc oui vivement ce retour de Warhammer, celui qu'on a connu et aimé ! Vive le Vieux Monde ! content


C'est beau ce que tu dis Ragnar en larmes


Personellement, je ne rejèterai WAoS JDR, je pense que le JDR pourra être mieux que le JDP.

De plus, il exploitera quelque chose qui a été amené avec le "Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness" et dans certains romans, comme "la Voie des Anciens" (ce n'est pas le titre du roman), et là je suis curieux.

J ai acheté le LdB de W3 et certains suppléments pour me faire une idée, je ferai de même avec WAoS JDR.


News du 30 mai, en attendant un retour de la UK Games Expo qui a eut lieu ce WE !

Le Retour de la Passe Gagnante ! ( dans sa version W4)

En gras les nouveautés,

The combat system for WFRP Fourth Edition has its roots in earlier editions of the game, but we’ve made significant changes. The design goals were to speed up fights and eliminate boring stalemates arising from repeated attack roll failure.

When you get into a confrontation, everyone acts in Initiative order. We’ve added in a few alternative options here for you to tailor the game to your play style. You can keep things simple and just use the Characteristic, or introduce some randomness and deploy the GM catchphrase ‘Roll for initiative’, plus several other permutations.

Every combat round you get to move and do something. The ‘something’ might be using a skill, making an attack, casting a spell, and so on. An attack isn’t meant to only represent one swing of a sword arm. It’s movement, positioning, timing, dodges, feints and parries - all the things that happen in exciting fantasy combat.

D100 systems can suffer from so-called ‘whiff factor’ – endless inaction due to everyone failing rolls time and time again. This was something we wanted to eliminate as much as possible. One of the new mechanics we introduced to help with this in combat is called Advantage. You can gain Advantage from sources including Surprise, Charging and winning an Attack Test. Each point of Advantage gives you +10 to your Attack Tests, and represents you pressing your foe back, gaining control of the space, gaining confidence, leaping onto the table, kicking sand in their face, or whatever you feel is appropriate to the battle at hand.

When you attack your foe, you both make a Weapon Skill Test and compare your success levels. If the attacker wins they will have the chance to do damage and gain a point of Advantage. If the defender wins, they don’t inflict damage but do gain the Advantage as they dodge or parry and take the upper hand. There is always an outcome from a combat round – the least that can happen is someone gains Advantage.

You can win multiple points of Advantage, and you keep them until you lose an Attack Test, take a wound or the combat ends. So, if you keep rolling well, you’ll get in your stride and do better and better. But if you lose a Test you’ll lose all your Advantage. It’s a huge amount of fun, especially if you have the Talents or Spells that let you steal Advantage! You get a real sense of turning the tide of battle, or of getting unstoppable momentum and cleaving through your foes.

There are loads of possibilities and outcomes that these rules bring to the table: a combatant can whale on a bunch of lesser foes first, build up a pool of Advantage and then unleash that on the big baddie. Combining the various Skills and Talents that allow characters to work together to make the most of Advantage adds a tactical edge to this exciting way of determining the outcome of a fight.

But it’s certainly not all one-way traffic! Adversaries have special abilities that are powered by Advantage, so can become progressively more powerful. And there’s loads of fun times for the GM in deciding when to use monster abilities, or simply keep a bonus to hit.

And if your foes are building their Advantage up to truly scary levels, Characters can use a point of Resilience (more on this in a later preview) to remove it.

Critical hits are a staple of WFRP, and in Fourth Edition occur on especially successful blows, as indicated by the roll of a double. In addition to extra damage and special wounds, critical hits can inflict a variety of Conditions that change the way combat works for those who receive them.

That’s the core of the new combat system. Of course, there’s much more to it - Strength and Toughness work in ways familiar to players of First and Second Edition, as does armour. Hits are locational. There are fumbles, and ranged combat throws in some interesting and original quirks.

We’ll be talking more about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay in future previews. Pre-orders for the WFRP Rulebook, Collector’s Limited Edition Rulebook and WFRP Starter Set are open, you can find out more here.


Fucking sold it to me


Une infos du 18/05/18 de Edge pour la VF , d'après SebStaff :

" Pour l’instant, rien n’est signé plaisantin "

Nous sommes le 06/06 , espérons qu il y a eu une avancée !

Note : le forum de C7 n'est plus accéssible! je m'interrogesurpris


Une infos du 18/05/18 de Edge pour la VF , d'après SebStaff :

" Pour l’instant, rien n’est signé plaisantin "

Nous sommes le 06/06 , espérons qu il y a eu une avancée !


Oui parce qu'apparement ce n'est pas Edge.

Ce message a reçu 3 réponses de
  • ,
  • Nioux
  • et
  • Grand_Ancien


nous caches tu quelque chose ???? !!! content



Et il lâche ça comme ça, tranquillou...